Talking Pools Podcast

Chemical Time Bomb: The Deadly Risks of Mixing Pool Chemicals

Rudy Stankowitz Season 4 Episode 612

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In this gripping episode of the Talking Pools Podcast, Peter shares a shocking story that will leave pool professionals both horrified and deeply aware of the dangers that lurk when chemicals are mishandled. He recounts an unforgettable moment when one of his customers mistakenly poured chlorine into an old sulfuric acid barrel. The hosts, Lee and Shane, are immediately taken aback, and the weight of the potential disaster sinks in. Peter explains that the reaction could have been catastrophic, triggering the release of toxic gases or even causing an explosion. He then recalls witnessing a competitor pool service technician making the same reckless mistake, cementing the lesson that even seasoned professionals aren't immune to carelessness.

The conversation takes an emotional turn as the hosts dive into the critical importance of never mixing incompatible chemicals. With their usual candor, Peter, Lee, and Shane stress that the risk isn't just property damage—it’s life-threatening. The gravity of their words hangs in the air as they speak about the unseen dangers that pool techs encounter daily, often while feeling invincible due to routine. Shane passionately urges listeners to re-examine their habits and ensure they educate both employees and customers about the dangers of improper chemical storage and handling.

It’s a sobering episode, packed with the kind of hard-hitting reality that serves as a wake-up call. The risks associated with mixing pool chemicals are real, and this episode doesn’t shy away from the terrifying consequences that could result from just one moment of oversight.

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"So, I walk into this pool shed, right? And I see this customer standing there, and he's just finished pouring chlorine... into what I instantly recognized as an old sulfuric acid barrel."

(Slight gasp) "No, no, no—are you serious?"

"Dead serious, mate. My heart stopped for a second. I rush over, and I’m like, 'What are you doing?!' The guy had no clue—he thought it was just an old barrel, didn't check the label. No idea the bomb he was about to create."

(Shaking his head) "That’s terrifying, man. Chlorine and sulfuric acid? You're lucky the whole place didn't go up in flames or worse, toxic gas."

"Exactly! I mean, I’ve been doing this for a long time, and nothing prepares you for that moment when you realize how close someone came to disaster. It’s not the first time I’ve seen this either. Years ago, I actually watched a competitor do the same thing—pour chlorine into an acid container while cleaning out a pool shed."

(Visibly shocked) "What?! A competitor? You’re kidding."

"Yeah, no joke. I tried to stop him, but the damage was done. We had to evacuate. I mean, can you imagine? This guy’s supposed to be a professional, and he made the same dangerous mistake."

"That’s the thing, isn’t it? Complacency. People—customers, pool pros, whoever—get so used to handling these chemicals, they forget the dangers. You think it’s routine until something like this happens."

"It’s not just about handling them, either. It’s about storing them properly. You mix the wrong things, and it’s game over. Those chemicals don’t care how experienced you are."

(Somber) "It’s scary, mate. One wrong move and you’re talking explosions, toxic gases. Hell, the loss of life isn’t out of the question. We’re so used to these chemicals, we forget the power they have when mishandled."

"And that’s why we have to be the experts on this. We can’t let customers or anyone else think this stuff is no big deal. It’s a huge deal. You have to educate them—and the techs—about never, ever mixing chlorine with anything acidic. It’s not just about cleaning a pool, it’s about making sure everyone walks away safe."

"Yeah, and we can’t assume people know what they’re doing just because they have the chemicals on hand. I mean, who stores sulfuric acid in a pool shed, anyway?"

"Exactly! And not labeled clearly either. I’ve seen it so many times. This episode, this conversation, it’s a reminder to all of us—never get too comfortable, and never let your guard down around pool chemicals. The risks are just too high."

(Pausing, with emotion) "One mistake can cost lives."