Talking Pools Podcast

Andrea Talks Green Pools, Rude Designs, and Alligator Surprises

August 27, 2024 Rudy Stankowitz Season 4 Episode 587

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In this lively episode of the Talking Pools Podcast, Andrea is joined by her mother, Paulette, as they dive into a series of engaging and humorous pool-related stories. The episode begins with Andrea recounting her ongoing saga with property managers, including a particularly tricky situation involving a green pool and a malfunctioning skimmer. Paulette shares her own challenging customer interaction at a 55+ community, leading to a discussion about the unpredictable nature of customer service in the pool industry.

The episode takes a turn towards more serious matters as Andrea discusses a tragic story of a two-year-old who drowned due to a poorly maintained pool fence, highlighting the importance of safety and regular inspections. Paulette and Andrea emphasize the need for pool professionals to report unsafe conditions, even if it means walking away from a job.

Humor returns as Paulette shares a story about a house for sale in Georgia with a pool shaped like a male appendage, sparking laughter and funny comments from Andrea. They also delve into more bizarre news, including an ailing alligator being kept illegally in a New York pool and the debate over Edmonton's natural swimming pool, which relies on plants and other natural elements for filtration.

The episode wraps up with a lighthearted conversation about chlorine, natural pools, and the importance of proper pool maintenance. Andrea teases Rudy’s love-hate relationship with natural pools and references a past episode where Rudy and a guest debated the merits of these eco-friendly swimming spots.

Throughout the episode, Andrea and Paulette keep the tone casual and fun, blending pool industry insights with personal anecdotes and a touch of humor.

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 Andrea The Pool Girl (00:00.465) Here we go. So welcome everyone to the Talking Pools podcast. I'm Andrea and I have my mother Paulette joining me again this week. Hello mother. Paulette (00:14.243) Hello, daughter. Andrea The Pool Girl (00:16.699) How are you? Paulette (00:17.74) I'm good. I'm good. How are you? Andrea The Pool Girl (00:20.293) Good, say hello to the listeners. They're listening. So how was your week? Paulette (00:22.104) Hello, hello everyone. Paulette (00:28.11) My week was good, you know, just the usual pool cleaning customers. Andrea The Pool Girl (00:34.395) So, okay, so you remember the guy that I told you about last week that I showed up, it was the property manager and I showed up to the pool and the trough was empty and I turned the auto fill on and I went back, I went to go do a couple more pools and I was gonna go back and he turned off the water and called me. So same company, but a different guy, okay? And this is in a different area too. So it's like they have different, you know, divisions or whatever that they deal with. So totally different guy, totally different area. So I go to this pool on a, I don't know, it like a Wednesday or Thursday. It doesn't really matter, but I go there on the one day and there was like a bunch of lightning and it was about to start storming, but the pool was green and it's one of the it's like a bigger pool. Excuse me. It's a bigger pool and. I don't know, it's one of those where when it's good, it's good. And then just out of the blue, it will be green for no fucking reason. And then it's just like, it's hard. It's kind of hard to get it to turn back because it's so big, whatever. Anyway. So the pool's green and, you know, the property manager dude's there and like one of the landscapers was there and he's like, I was just about to call you guys. And I was like, great. Huh. Thank God he didn't, you know. So I was like, don't worry, I'm gonna take care of this. I was like, I can't do anything with the lightning, with the pole, blah, blah, but I'm gonna come back tomorrow. And he was like, so, here's what happened. the skimmer was pulling air, right? So like, know how when there's not enough water, it'll suck in water and then it'll lose prime and then it'll stop sucking, right? Paulette (02:14.059) Yeah. Paulette (02:21.053) Right, right. Andrea The Pool Girl (02:23.921) So I was doing that and I was like, well, you know, it needs water. He's like, really? It's halfway up the skimmer. I'm like, I know this pool is weird. It needs more water, whatever. So he's like, so I went over to the pump and I, I was gonna, cause I had had the main drain closed and so it was only pulling on the skimmer. So I was like, let me go open the drain and it will probably be okay. And it turns out it was. Well, he starts telling me that he, is your phone gonna keep ringing? Paulette (02:42.418) All right. Paulette (02:53.35) I'm sorry, I'll hang up. Andrea The Pool Girl (02:55.033) It's okay. It's just hard for me to edit if I'm talking while there's a sound over it. Don't worry about it. I'm going to edit it, so don't worry about it. So he starts telling me that he was going to try and fix the problem by taking apart the filter and putting water in the filter. So he was essentially like thinking he was going to prime the filter, right? And he like didn't say the filter, but I know that's what he meant because he pointed to it, right? And I'm like, no, you know, that's not usually how you do it, but whatever. I was like trying to be nice and not embarrass them or whatever, because he was being super nice about it and not complaining, you know, that it was green. So I was like, don't worry about it. Paulette (03:38.375) Well, maybe it was green because is it leaking? Maybe it's leaking. Andrea The Pool Girl (03:42.231) No, we just had a leak detection done on it. I think it was just all the rain, you know? And like I said, I had the main drain closed and then so it was like not priming, you know? Anyway, whatever. I go back the next day, okay? And since I had opened the main drain the next day, this is why I had it closed by the way, because... It's something weird with the suction. This pool's got super crazy suction. So when I have the main drain open, even with the skimmer open, the stuff settles on the drain cover and just fucking sticks to it. And so that will also cause the pump to lose prime because it's got, you so anyway, that is the reason that I had the drain closed is because I was tired of having to Paulette (04:29.276) Right. Andrea The Pool Girl (04:38.773) with all the debris on the drain cover. So I go, I was gonna vacuum this pool, right? So I flipped off the pool, I turned the pump off so that I could vacuum the drain cover, because the shit was stuck up on there. And I heard it like jiggle, you know what mean? Like I heard the filter lid move. And I was like, hmm. So I had forgotten about it when I went to go turn the pump back on and it like, you know, like it like, Paulette (05:06.776) no. Andrea The Pool Girl (05:08.753) Pressure, like pressure just was not sealed. The lid was not back on, though he did not. So it's not a normal brand filter. It's not any of the big three. It's not even a waterway. Harris, Harris Pool Products. Sorry, I'm about to call them out, but I don't know if it's like a Home Depot brand. I don't know where they got this filter from. Can't even find the cartridge for it. that's, anyway, it's a whole thing. Paulette (05:11.099) He took it out and didn't put it back. Paulette (05:25.905) Never heard of it. Andrea The Pool Girl (05:38.521) So that's got a locking ring and he did not even like, it clicks like, know, like the JNDs when you turn them all the way they're supposed to click into place. This one does that, but I had to turn it like he barely even put it back on. So I was like, this motherfucker almost killed like this whole company is after me right now. yes, it is the same company, different company. Yes. Paulette (05:50.116) All Paulette (06:00.986) my God, that's right. was the same company. They're out to get you. Andrea The Pool Girl (06:07.577) So I called my boss and I was like, hey, can we like ask them to not touch the stuff? Like, shouldn't they be not touching the pool stuff? Like this guy, if he didn't kill me, he could have killed himself when he was fucking with it, you know? And fortunately, no, no, it's a residential pool. The people are not home, thank God, because they've got kids and stuff. Like, who knows what could have happened? Paulette (06:21.498) Yeah, for sure. Yeah. Is it a commercial pool? Yeah. Paulette (06:34.832) wow, yeah. Andrea The Pool Girl (06:36.497) The equipment is literally four feet away from the pool. Like it's really, it's like one of those older pools, like really, really old pools. So yeah, anyway, that's my continuing property manager saga where now they're trying to, they're trying to unalive me. And I'm just kidding. I know they're not doing it on purpose, but yeah. Paulette (06:40.879) That is really dangerous. Paulette (06:58.948) my gosh. I had a nice customer story if you want to hear it real quick. So I went to have a commercial pool and so we needed to do a repair there. So I have my, guy that was doing the repair was there. I met him there and there's, it's a 55 and older community and they're, they're rentals. You know, they're like, it's like a, almost like an apartment, but they're rental, but it's for 55 and Andrea The Pool Girl (07:04.912) Yeah, go ahead. Paulette (07:27.992) And then there's like a set of garages that are like, yeah, I guess so, yeah. And then there's, you know, and then there's like a set of garages. So my guy was parked where he wasn't blocking anyone and I had to block somebody because I had my truck with my pool trailer because I was going to clean the pool while he was doing the repair. So I had to block somebody. So I decided to block the garages. This is like seven, this is like eight o 'clock in the morning. So I'm like, if anybody, Andrea The Pool Girl (07:30.959) You mean like a condo? Paulette (07:56.938) sees my pool truck and I'm blocking them, they're gonna come all over the pool and just say, hey, can you move out of the way, you're blocking me. No problem, whatsoever. Instead, this lady comes and is like automatically just screaming at us that we're blocking her and she has to leave in a little while and we're parked in front of her garage and why would we do that? We wouldn't park in front of any other cars, why would we park in front of her garage? And she's just yelling at us. Andrea The Pool Girl (08:05.232) Right. Paulette (08:26.051) I was like, my God, we're moving, okay? So then I move and I moved it on the other side away from any car, anywhere. if she's like, I was there, but if she could back out, she could totally back out. Like I was not in her way. So an hour goes by and she comes back and yelling at us again and telling me that I'm in her way. And I'm like, I moved out of your way. I'm not in front of your garage. Andrea The Pool Girl (08:29.262) Yeah. Paulette (08:54.272) And she goes, I can't back out. You're too close. I'm like, I'm not too close. I go, okay, I'll move. Just like why? Why? Why so crabby? Like, why don't you just be nice? Why can't people just be nice? So yeah. Andrea The Pool Girl (09:09.27) Yeah, I don't know. You messed up her day. That's wild that she didn't even need to leave right away, but she was still making a big deal about it. Paulette (09:16.276) Nah, was seriously an hour later. Because we were just got done. I was hanging out with him while he was doing the repair, just talking to him. And we were like picking things up to walk out to the truck and then she came out yelling again. So it was a good hour later. Anyways. Andrea The Pool Girl (09:29.761) my God. Andrea The Pool Girl (09:33.519) I had a guy one time where I was parked, like it was a street on a cul -de -sac. yeah, I'm need a refill in a second, cheers. It was a cul -de -sac, but the house that I was doing was like at the front where you turn onto that street where the cul -de -sac is. And so their backyard was like in the cul -de -sac. So I like pulled up on the street and there was like a big ditch and some water. Paulette (09:39.755) Cheers, by the way. Cheers. Andrea The Pool Girl (10:02.201) And I had to pull my vacuum up. So I was trying to avoid it. So I pulled up closer to the neighbor's driveway and he came out and was like, can you move? need to get my garbage cans in here. And I'm like, this is, yo, he was like, this is where I put my garbage cans. Can you move your truck? I'm like, you can't move your garbage. You can't put your garbage cans like two feet to the left. Like, seriously, I have to move my truck so you can put your garbage cans in that exact same spot. Like, okay, buddy. Like this, was an old guy, you know. Paulette (10:22.228) you Paulette (10:31.935) Some Some people. Andrea The Pool Girl (10:32.347) So, I know, let me, I'm gonna say, hold on one second. I'm gonna mute this. I need a drink refill, so hang on. Paulette (10:40.863) Okay. Andrea The Pool Girl (12:00.259) Okay, I heard you making a drink too, by the way. Paulette (12:02.864) No, I wasn't. I was just getting a little refill on my wine. Andrea The Pool Girl (12:07.633) well, I heard you pouring it. Okay, so you wanna start with the news? Do you wanna start? by the way, I hope that everybody enjoys the sound quality of my voice today because I got my laptop fix, which means I'm on my nice, fun, color -changing, expensive, well, not expensive, but more expensive than these earbuds actually. Paulette (12:16.283) Yes. Andrea The Pool Girl (12:36.901) Yeah, only by a little bit, but yeah, got the good mic. Paulette (12:40.561) Nice, I like the colors. Photo show. Andrea The Pool Girl (12:42.775) I know, and my little pop screen has a smiley face on him. He's so cute. All right, do you wanna do the first one or do you want me to go first? All right. Paulette (12:50.862) Now you do the first one. Paulette (12:55.93) It's really hard finding news articles that aren't depressing about pools. Just saying. Andrea The Pool Girl (13:01.591) Yeah, so I think I lucked out with the cocaine pool last week. okay. Speaking of last week, I wanted to kind of, I found a story that answered one of the, kind of answered one of the questions that we had about the dog pool. Yeah, so hang on a second. Did I save it or did I not save that one? I might not have saved that one. Paulette (13:05.295) Yeah. Paulette (13:20.265) yes. Paulette (13:31.484) Sorry, I don't know why it's making noises. There we go. Okay, go. Andrea The Pool Girl (13:34.799) It's okay. I didn't save the, I didn't save the article, but I found another article about a dog swim where they were, you know, the city was hosting in commercial pools. The city was hosting a dog swim. This article said that it was going to be the last swim of the season before they closed the pool, which makes a lot of sense. Paulette (13:44.699) Yeah. Paulette (13:52.411) Paulette (13:56.364) That's good. Andrea The Pool Girl (13:58.513) Good to know. So let's start with, oops. Paulette (13:59.716) Yes. Andrea The Pool Girl (14:10.37) Okay, we'll start with this one since you brought up how depressing all these pool stories are. So this is actually kind of a depressing one. So this is from MSN .com. Parents attorneys investigate drowning of a two -year -old at Gorham Mobile Home Park. two year old Oakley Schmidt drowned on May 22nd in the community pool at Friendly Village of Gorham, a mobile home park community. You know, the parents are suing. I'm kind of summing up the article here. They're investigating. So basically what happened is the two year old somehow got access into the pool. They were playing in the yard. I guess they live, you know, right next to the pool area and the two -year -old got away from the parents as they do and ended up in the pool. So the parents are suing the complex, the mobile home community because, and this is where I think a lot of us have had experience with community pools and homeowners associations and the board members and all this stuff where they just wanna save money, they don't wanna make any repairs. Paulette (15:31.03) yeah. Andrea The Pool Girl (15:31.717) the fence apparently was in disrepair. so here's what it says. and this was after they found the, the baby in the pool. they show, so they played a preliminary video. Attorneys played a preliminary video, which they claim shows the fence around the pool has been in bad shape for years and the properties, properties owners. saved money by not making repairs. No maintenance, no improvements, Bennett said. Bennett is the attorney. Oakley was able to, what appears to access the swimming pool because the fence was not secure. The sole purpose of the fence is to prevent tragedies like this. The fence was the last line of security to protect Oakley. That fence failed because Friendly Village did not make an investment into its infrastructure for many years. That was an intentional cost saving measure that led to Oakley's death. so as part of their investigation, the attorney hired a main base civil safety, civil engineer to survey the village and the pool area. and it's an ongoing investigation still. So that just comes back to what I was saying last week about just being care or not, or the week before just. The inspections need to get done. You know, if you see something as a pool owner or a pool operator, I'm sorry, you know, and Paulette (16:52.043) Absolutely. Andrea The Pool Girl (16:58.693) the board's giving you trouble, just like walk away from that pool, but also like you need to make sure that that gets reported to somebody, health departments, you know. Paulette (17:06.934) Absolutely. Well, yeah, I was going to say, where was that? Where was it now? it here in the United States or like Florida? I mean, I don't know all the laws everywhere, but that's definitely a thing in Florida for sure. Andrea The Pool Girl (17:15.652) Yes, no, let me see Andrea The Pool Girl (17:23.471) Yeah, because the barriers are they have. it's in Maine. Paulette (17:28.006) okay. So that like, I don't know, does their health department regulate that? That would be the department, you know, their failure, the pool person that was taking care of the pool, their failure, maintenance, like, like, that's just crazy. Like, I will go, you know, I take care, I have commercials and I have residential. I have, I had a residential pool, they had their gate open. And it was like, it had like a, not a zip tie, but Andrea The Pool Girl (17:39.291) Mm -hmm. Paulette (17:56.029) one of those cords, one of those cocks. A bungee cord, thank you. It was open and they had a bungee cord to leave it open and I didn't do it, I shut it. I don't care. I will shut a gate no matter what. will shut a gate. And then when I came back the next week, they had a bungee cord open again. you just said, a two -year -old will get away from a parent. That is gonna happen. It's very easy to happen. So why leave? Andrea The Pool Girl (17:58.267) bungee cord? Yeah. Andrea The Pool Girl (18:06.193) Hmm. Andrea The Pool Girl (18:11.205) Yeah. Andrea The Pool Girl (18:20.4) Mm -hmm. Andrea The Pool Girl (18:24.719) And it happened so fast, you know, and then within two seconds you can't see them. What you said, it was a residential that was leaving it open. Paulette (18:26.461) It does, so why leave these gates open? Yeah? Yeah, a residential, but I just kept shutting it. I don't care. I shut gates no matter what. I don't care if people got it propped up or not. I will shut them every single time. It's something that's in my head, you know, so. Andrea The Pool Girl (18:41.167) Yeah, me too. You know I actually did one time? So I went to clean a pool and the homeowner was in the pool with her baby, like were just like a two year old or whatever they were playing in the pool. And so I came in and I was like, and they had one of the safety fences, you know, the baby gates up. And I was so used to closing that gate behind me that I closed, I locked her basically inside the pool with the baby gate. Paulette (19:06.804) Yeah, nice. Andrea The Pool Girl (19:08.217) Yeah, and I closed it behind me and I was like, let me sorry. Let me open that back up for you. She's like, actually, you can even leave it closed if you want. I'm like, all right, I'm sorry. I'm just used to doing it, you know, so. Paulette (19:12.414) Yeah. That's funny I get locked out of my house daily when Julie is home my daughter your sister She locks the door like we'll be outside she'll come in the house and lock the door and I'm like hello Not gonna the door. She's like well, that's yeah, it's good. She's she's a It is good. So I can't yell at her for getting locked out constantly Yeah Andrea The Pool Girl (19:22.737) Nice. Andrea The Pool Girl (19:28.879) Well, that's, it gets good. Absolutely. You never know who's going to. Yeah, exactly. Keep the doors locked. So, all right, go ahead. You got one. Paulette (19:44.301) All right. I have a funny one on a little bit lighter note. Okay, so there is well, this actually was a couple years ago, so it might have already sold, but this is in Georgia. Let's see. my gosh. Andrea The Pool Girl (19:48.059) Good, good. Paulette (20:08.915) This is published in 2022. It might have already sold, but it said there's a Georgia home with a rude pool design up for sale. A rude pool design. I'll show you the picture. The sprawling family home situated in Atlanta is listed for one million. Andrea The Pool Girl (20:10.753) my god. Andrea The Pool Girl (20:22.191) rude pool? What's a rude pool? god. Paulette (20:35.275) and is described as move in ready according to the Zillow listing. The description reads about its feature, claiming the elegant home boasts a dramatic two story foyer leads to a living room with fireplace and kitchen with breakfast area, island, beautiful cabinets, granite countertops. Sorry, something's happening in the place. I'm getting like, sorry. Andrea The Pool Girl (20:56.763) Sounds nice. Andrea The Pool Girl (21:00.877) I hear some Spanish. Paulette (21:03.411) Yeah, me too, because I'm getting all these stupid ads. Hold on a minute. I can't. There we go. the amenities at 161 Peach Tree Way goes on. as the listing continues, doors from the kitchen, a living room and living room lead to the heated pool and spa. Hold on. Yeah. Andrea The Pool Girl (21:05.401) Is it, is, mute your phone or mute it. Andrea The Pool Girl (21:31.323) Doors lead to the, okay, so those better have locks and alarms and cameras. Paulette (21:35.571) Right. But house hunters were quick to spot something unusual about the pool in that it's the shape of a male appendage. Andrea The Pool Girl (21:48.017) I was gonna ask, is it a dick shaped pool? Paulette (21:49.484) Here we go. Can you see it? Andrea The Pool Girl (21:53.949) my goodness. Well, that's not like that's not like overtly phallic shaped. It's. It's roughly it's roughly I hope. OK, so we'll have to like maybe you can send a screenshot and we'll put it in the show notes or something like that. If nobody can see what you showed, what you held up there. No, it was pretty clear. We'll see what happens. Yeah, I've seen way more. Paulette (21:55.027) No, but all the comments that were being made were pretty funny. Paulette (22:15.155) Okay. Paulette (22:23.571) Well here's, here you want me to read the comments, they're pretty funny. Okay, somebody said, this gives a new meaning to the term adult swim. Someone else said, they claim that if it's eight inches deep, but I'm sure it's only six. Or I mean eight feet, I guess. Andrea The Pool Girl (22:23.665) Way more pronounced. Yeah, read a couple. Andrea The Pool Girl (22:35.685) Nice. Andrea The Pool Girl (22:47.407) Yeah, yeah, yes, -huh. Paulette (22:49.523) my gosh. There's just all kinds of stuff. It's just funny. Andrea The Pool Girl (22:53.943) Nice. Yeah, that's funny. I think there's one in like, yes, I was going to say somebody there's like a few that I've seen that that look like that. I've never seen any of the other kinds. Paulette (22:57.209) Somebody said all it needs is a fountain at the end. Paulette (23:08.344) mean, what is it supposed to look like? Somebody said a rocket ship? Like, what is it supposed to look like? Andrea The Pool Girl (23:12.593) Yeah, I got the rocket ship. It's like the whole scene from... Paulette (23:16.984) So like the owner is, is the owner an astronaut? Andrea The Pool Girl (23:23.031) Austin Powers. Maybe the owner is a... Paulette (23:28.686) Cosmonaut. Andrea The Pool Girl (23:30.05) sculpture of male anatomy. Is your glass blue or is your drink blue? Paulette (23:32.43) Mmm! Andrea The Pool Girl (23:39.417) Right, but when you... okay, that was... That was really strange for a second. Paulette (23:39.676) my, my glass is blue. It's a blue. It's a blue glass. It doesn't look blue to me. It looks white in that picture. Andrea The Pool Girl (23:50.622) When you took a sip, it looked blue. And I was like, it looked like, I was like, did your drink stain your glass? What are you drinking? You're drinking something awfully thick. Okay, so that was that story. Okay, so here's another one. This one's actually kind of interesting. So this comes from, Paulette (23:53.013) It is, it's got a blue tint. Paulette (23:59.661) No. No. Andrea The Pool Girl (24:17.361) This is the BBC .com, which is the British Broadcasting Corporation. Okay, guys. This is from Edmonton. Paulette (24:22.125) Mmkay. Andrea The Pool Girl (24:31.631) No, that's the other story. This is in Hampshire. England. So a child in the swimming pool injured by falling tiles. Paulette (24:47.123) boy. Andrea The Pool Girl (24:48.473) Yeah, I don't, I've seen some crappy tiles before, but I don't think I've ever, oops, I've never had any of my customers hit by the tiles. So a child and an adult were injured when a number of tiles fell onto them. I don't mean to laugh, but while they were swimming, a leisure center has said the incident happened at Ramsey Rapids Sports Complex in Hampshire on August 13th. Tiles fell from the bridge above one of the sections of the pool. Paulette (25:16.725) Andrea The Pool Girl (25:17.787) causing minor injuries to the pair. The center's operator apologized and said the safety of customers and staff was its top priority. So imagine like swimming under one of the, because I mean, you've been in a resort in Orlando and stuff like that where they have bridges. My son jumped off of one of them one time. That was fun. Paulette (25:37.469) a pool that has a bridge and I would take Jolie when she was little and she jumped, well I shouldn't say that, she jumped off the bridge into the pool. She was very little. No, she was little. Andrea The Pool Girl (25:43.537) they're not going to know who you are. yeah, well, at least you didn't, I guess hit her with tiles in the pool. the, hold on. Paulette (25:54.942) No. Andrea The Pool Girl (26:00.954) The pool was closed for approximately one hour whilst the tiles were removed and the remaining tiles thoroughly checked. The pool was then reopened with the area around the bridge remaining closed as a precaution. The whole pool was then reopened on the 14th of August, which was the next day. So there we go. Paulette (26:25.054) Nice. Andrea The Pool Girl (26:27.857) pool tiles falling on your head. Paulette (26:29.898) It's like a coconut's falling on your head when you're working in Florida. And I've actually seen palm fronds and coconuts fall off a tree as I was walking to the pool and was like, good Lord, thank God. Andrea The Pool Girl (26:39.153) I've nearly been hit by a coconut while cleaning a pool. was at your pool that you used to do on the island over there. Paulette (26:52.498) Yeah. Andrea The Pool Girl (26:54.489) I have a coconut from that yard that I grew into a tree that is in my front yard and it is now taller than my house and it has so many coconuts on it. And I didn't realize when I planted the damn thing, because you remember that house, right? You remember how big those trees were? This tree is huge and the coconuts that it's producing are huge. And I didn't realize that when I planted it, it was so close to my front door. Paulette (26:58.2) nice! Paulette (27:06.739) Good. Paulette (27:13.447) Yeah. Andrea The Pool Girl (27:23.441) And so now when I come home and walk in my front door, I have to like look up and make sure I'm not gonna have a coconut fall on my head in front of my front door, because those coconuts weigh like 85 pounds. Paulette (27:29.575) Well, you know... They do, but they're the best source of water. So cut them down and drink them. Andrea The Pool Girl (27:40.709) When am I supposed to cut them down? Paulette (27:42.223) When they're up on the tree, they're just like, that's when you cut it. No, when you fall off their own, they're still okay. Yeah, but it's already, it's like too late. Get them while they're still up there, nice and green and big. Yes. Andrea The Pool Girl (27:45.093) I'm not supposed to let them fall off on their own. they're already done. Andrea The Pool Girl (27:55.363) So you want them while they're green. my God, when we're done, I'll send you a picture of how many green coconuts I have. Paulette (28:00.551) I'm telling you get get one of those big poles with this sword on the head whatever that is. Whatever it's called. Andrea The Pool Girl (28:05.819) Coconut sauce? I have one. A sword, my god. I have one of those. should. right. A pole saw. That's stupid. All right. Hang on. I got to go to the bathroom. Paulette (28:13.787) What is it called? A sickle? You know, I don't know. There we go. Paulette (29:07.152) Okay, I have another pool story. All right, this is from For New York, NBC looks like. It's got the peacock. All right, alligator, ailing alligator kept illegally in New York homes in pool is seized by authorities. This alligator, yes, I will tell you. Andrea The Pool Girl (29:10.415) All right, go right ahead. Andrea The Pool Girl (29:18.801) Cool, cool. Andrea The Pool Girl (29:28.613) Wait, they had an alligator in the pool? Paulette (29:34.437) An ailing alligator was seized from an upstate New York home where it has been kept illegally. Environmental Conversation Police officer seized the 750 pound, 11 foot alligator on Wednesday from a home in Hamburg, south of Buffalo. The home... Andrea The Pool Girl (29:51.013) When is this article from? Sorry, I don't mean to interrupt you, because I feel like I've heard this story. It's okay, it's okay if it's... Paulette (29:54.66) It's probably no March 15th March 15 2024 Andrea The Pool Girl (30:00.858) wow, really? crazy, keep going, sorry. Paulette (30:01.892) Yeah. So it says, okay, that's all right. The home, let's see. The homeowner has built an addition and installed an in -ground swimming pool for the 30 -year -old alligator, which has blindness in both eyes and spinal complications among other health issues. The homeowner, man, I just read that. I just read that. Andrea The Pool Girl (30:25.691) Wait, if it's illegal, how has he been? Wait, if he's keeping it illegally. Paulette (30:29.54) Just a little screen Paulette (30:34.638) Wait, read more. Hold on, let me push the button that says read more. Andrea The Pool Girl (30:38.067) boy. Paulette (30:39.824) Although I can't see without glasses. Andrea The Pool Girl (30:43.013) Get your glasses on. Maybe prepare next time. Paulette (30:45.059) Okay, the alligator who's blindness in both eyes. The reptile, okay, he has blindness in both eyes and spinal complications. The reptile was sent to a licensed caretaker until a place is found where it can receive permanent care. The owner's state license to keep the alligator expired in 2021. So he did have it. So, but they used to let people swim. Hold on a minute, I read that they would let people swim with it. Andrea The Pool Girl (31:06.201) Andrea The Pool Girl (31:13.105) See, that's what I thought I've heard something about this particular person because I remember there was a guy who was letting kids pet an alligator that he had. Paulette (31:23.262) This is this guy right here. Let's see. I swear to God it said that but I don't see it. I mean the alligator was blind so he couldn't... here we go. The owner... Okay he built this... He allowed people including children to get into the water with the reptile and touch it. I mean it couldn't see him so 30 years old and 750 pounds. Andrea The Pool Girl (31:44.783) And how big was the reptile? Well, that's hu But don't - Wouldn't it be crabby? Wouldn't it be a crabby alligator if it was old and blind? Paulette (31:54.53) I mean, if he lived in the gated 55 and older community where I did my pool and the lady was yelling at me about her freaking truck being in the way. Yes, it would be crabby. Well, basically I said, you don't have to be so mean. I would move my truck regardless. And she goes, mean, mean. I'm like, yes. So that I immediately called the manager. Andrea The Pool Girl (32:02.572) Hahaha! Andrea The Pool Girl (32:07.355) Are you calling that lady an alligator? Andrea The Pool Girl (32:16.241) Ahhhh nice. Paulette (32:23.337) the maintenance guy and I go, hey, I just got into a little altercation. I'm probably gonna get complained and then I complained out and then I told him and he goes, I'm snorkeling right now. I was like, okay, He didn't, no, he don't care about my bullshit. He was like, he would tell me, he's like, got these people here. Andrea The Pool Girl (32:34.241) Nice, nice, nice. I don't have time for this lady's bullshit or your bullshit. Andrea The Pool Girl (32:44.665) Nice. Let him go. All right. So. All right. Let me see. All right. Here's one that I think Rudy will like. This one is for Rudy. So. The headline is hold on a second. Paulette (32:48.297) I know. All right, that was my other funny story. Andrea The Pool Girl (33:20.113) Sorry. Okay, so the headline is, more testing needed at Edmonton's natural pool to track contamination risk, germ experts say. Rudy loves natural pools. Just kidding. Paulette (33:32.681) What is this about? like a natural pool, like. Andrea The Pool Girl (33:39.409) This is an actual natural pool. I don't know if this is like one of the ones that Rudy was against, but anyway, so this is from Canada. This is from Edmonton, Canada. Years after public health researchers urged the city of Edmonton to allow no more than 45 swimmers per day in Canada's only natural swimming pool. Municipal officials say the water is just fine. But microbiologists are concerned that allowing hundreds of people each day to take a dip in Borden natural swimming pool is putting its fragile filtration system under unnecessary strain. The city should adopt more stringent daily testing. So this so far I'm grossed out by this article and I would never get in this pool. I don't know about you, but so far they're letting hundreds of people swim and I guess not even really caring about testing daily, it seems like. Paulette (34:39.475) Well, hold on. What's a natural pool? What is this? Like a spring or something like that? Andrea The Pool Girl (34:46.533) Let's see, that is a good question. Let me read a little bit more of the article here. So the city should adopt more stringent daily testing said Jason Tetro and Edmonton based microbiologist, science columnist and author of The Germ Code, which sounds fun. We should really be testing daily, particularly when we have higher bather loads and higher temperatures that could potentially lead to more microbial growth in those waters, Tetro said. Paulette (35:13.009) Yeah. Andrea The Pool Girl (35:22.329) So the fact that he's saying we should be testing daily is making me think that they are not. I don't know how things work in Canada. Amy Lamothe, Lamothe, Lamothe, my darling, let me know. Sorry about, I've never said, you know how you never say people's names on Facebook out loud? Sorry, sorry, girly. Tetra goes on to say, I probably wouldn't swim in the pool right now because I know there is, Paulette (35:29.629) obvious. Paulette (35:40.219) Yeah. huh. Andrea The Pool Girl (35:51.729) that added risk factor. Here we go. Here's the answer to your question. Open to fanfare in 2018, the $14 .4 million pool relies on plants, zooplankton, granite, and sunlight rather than the conventional, excuse me, rather than the conventional chlorine or salt to filter the unheated water. Okay, so we all know that chlorine and salt doesn't filter the water, but. whatever we know what they mean. The kids pool was recently closed down due to unsafe levels of contamination. The second time it has been shut by Alberta Health. Paulette (36:27.675) kids kids kids pool there you go right there Andrea The Pool Girl (36:33.177) It says, it says the kids pool. I don't know if that's a no, there's two separate pools. Kids pool is separate from the main pool. The kids pool was recently closed down due to unsafe levels of contamination. The second time it has been shut by Alberta health services this season due to unacceptable levels of contamination. I wonder what they are testing and what is unacceptable. The main pool. Paulette (36:39.684) Okay. Andrea The Pool Girl (37:02.243) overlooked by lily pads that are part of the filtration system has remained open in your pool. Paulette (37:08.603) Pilly pads. No, but I love them. They're cool. Andrea The Pool Girl (37:14.641) Well, yeah, that's not no one's arguing. I don't want them in my swimming pool. So the main pool has remained open all summer despite algae blooms that are clouding the water. So gross. The city allows the city allows up to 980 people per day in the pool. And I said earlier that they they. Paulette (37:19.631) Hey Paulette (37:24.663) Mm -mm -mm. Nope. Paulette (37:36.27) Okay, I got a question. Andrea The Pool Girl (37:40.401) The guy said we only, we need to limit it to 45 and they're letting in 8, 980 people. Paulette (37:47.841) Is this like, I mean, just think if you're like in a river, is it kind of the same thing? Like floating down a river in Florida, brackish water? Andrea The Pool Girl (37:58.534) Paulette (37:59.043) Fresh water. Andrea The Pool Girl (38:00.987) Hold on a second. Andrea The Pool Girl (38:04.849) No, it's not the same thing. if you give me a second. the city allow, well, that's, I guess that's the debate. That's what the debate is. The city allows up to 980 people per day in the pool, a capacity limit that far exceeds what researchers deemed necessary to keep the water sufficiently clear of harmful bugs and bacteria. Paulette (38:27.481) I would be worried about brain eating amoebas for sure. Andrea The Pool Girl (38:27.953) So yes, for sure. Because and also I don't, I think plants don't filter out like Cryptosporidium and, and, Oringa, Orogymosa, Oringa, what's that? No, the, Oringa, that's not what it is. Paulette (38:46.403) Ring around the rosy. Paulette (38:52.641) Is that what it was really called? That's you know that Is that when they got ring around the rosy from that? Andrea The Pool Girl (38:55.345) Oringarosa, Oring, Rhinjosa. No, is not that you silly ass. No. OK, listen, a study published in 2021 in the Journal of Water Science found that the pool was slow to clear common contaminants. It recommended that the capacity be constrained to no more than 45 swimmers daily to maintain to maintain an acceptable level of risk to swimmers and daily testing for fecal contamination, which is poopies. See, because the plants don't filter out human poop, as far as I know. I don't know, I could be wrong. Maybe Alan's gonna disagree with me. Nicholas Ashbolt, a co -author on the study, said all pools can harbor harmful germs, but it is especially critical that crowded pools that don't use chemical disinfectants can effectively filter out pathogens. Paulette (39:25.921) Yeah Andrea The Pool Girl (39:52.985) It's always a risk to swim where other people are swimming. Heard that my friend, no matter what sort of pool said Ash Bolt, who was a professor with the school of public health at the university of Alberta when the research was conducted in the coordination with the city. The more people in the pool, that risk goes up. Ash Bolt, now the Peter Teasdale chair in environmental health risk assessment at the university of South Australia. Paulette (39:57.751) Mm Andrea The Pool Girl (40:21.553) said he was surprised to learn from CBC that the daily capacity had been set at 980. That is insane. Paulette (40:28.023) my gosh. We have a biologist in the house. You want me to get her over here? Andrea The Pool Girl (40:34.533) Yeah in a second in a statement the city said many mitigation measures are in place to reduce the risk to board and pool swimmers and address the concern raised by researchers including a strictly enforced rule that bathers take head -to -toe soaking showers before entering the pool The city said that the pool operates well below recommended capacity limits, but still Paulette (40:56.821) I mean 45 to 950. That's really, really ridiculous. Andrea The Pool Girl (40:59.867) That is a big huge ass jump, yes. It says, as of August 19th, Borden has welcomed an average of 187 users each day, which is still insanely higher than 45, with the highest single day attendance hitting 661. The city said it is not testing daily for fecal contamination. However, a batch of six water quality samples is sent to Alberta Health Services each week as a part of the site's provincial Paulette (41:14.324) Yeah Andrea The Pool Girl (41:33.475) monitoring requirements. In addition, three weekly samples are collected for a University of Alberta monitoring program and testing is done daily for pH, phosphate levels and alkalinity. City officials said the water is safe not, that was me adding that not in, but acknowledged that algae growth has spiked with red and green blooms taking hold. The water, usually a distinct emerald green, is currently brown. Paulette (42:00.285) Ew. Andrea The Pool Girl (42:03.195) Brenda Kibich took her children to the pool on Tuesday and said, you could see the green floating and settling on the bottom. The algae on the bottom of the pool was pretty slippery, but we only had two falls this time. Ew. It was okay once you get used to it, just slimy a bit at first, I'm sorry. The city. Paulette (42:21.295) Eh. Paulette (42:25.041) You Andrea The Pool Girl (42:27.141) The city would not say what kind of algae was in the pool, but that the red blooms are a naturally occurring species in Alberta. It said algae remain at acceptable levels, isn't that zero? And that the blooms have been caused by excessive sunlight and nutrients from body lotions, shampoo, sunscreens, which is phosphates. Wildfire smoke is also likely to blame for giving the water a brown tint. Can they not drain it and start, I mean... Paulette (42:52.594) Okay, is this an actual, like they built a concrete pool and then just added plants to it? Is that what it is? Andrea The Pool Girl (43:00.069) Yes, that's what natural pools are. And they use, I do not mean a pond, no. mean, yeah, no, I mean an enclosed body of water that uses natural things as a filtration. And then you can't use chlorine in them because obviously you'll kill all the plants. Let me see, I skipped a little bit ahead. Paulette (43:02.298) Okay, I just thought you meant. Paulette (43:07.41) Okay, that's what I was thinking. Paulette (43:19.282) Because it would kill everything. Okay. Andrea The Pool Girl (43:31.169) the most obvious microorganisms that will naturally grow are red. I was saying, hold on a second. Here we go, sorry. I skipped ahead by accident. The city said, the city would not say what kind of algae was in the pool, but said the red blooms are a naturally occurring species in Alberta. I read this part. Algae is the... result of phosphates, says here, and wildfire smoke is likely to blame for giving the water a brown tint. According to Ashbolt, the more likely culprit for the algae growth is something yellow. The most likely problem rather than fecal accidents is urination in pools, despite, you know, people being told not to. He said, if there are too many people urinating in pool, there will be excess nutrients. and the most obvious microorganisms that will naturally grow are red and some of the other green algae. They are generally quite harmless, but they do represent excess nutrients in the water. This article is kind of long, but yeah, I guess we get the gist of it. He's saying, you know, people pee, blah, blah, blah, they do. And so now there's people bacteria, there's plant bacteria, 500 ,000 people in the water every day and they're not even testing it. Yeah. Paulette (44:44.205) stress. Still, but what, okay, so how would they, what are they testing for? Like what are they testing for? You can't test. Andrea The Pool Girl (44:53.083) Who knows? well, it said they're testing pH alkalinity in phosphates, and then they're testing chlorine weekly, I guess. Paulette (45:03.792) Okay, well how do you even put chlorine in that pool? Yeah, but then how do you, so how do you adjust it? If I put acid in this pool, would it kill all the plants? Or even if you put, you know what? Andrea The Pool Girl (45:05.37) no, because they're not you. No, no, no. They're not using chlorine. My bad. Sorry. My bad. Andrea The Pool Girl (45:15.599) Hmm. No, because I think you can put it in the area where it's not getting to the plant. So I would imagine you can lower the pH and you can add bicarb and stuff. Paulette (45:28.579) So I was telling the guy that was doing my repair for me on Saturday at my commercial fall that I have weeds growing up all through my bricks and he said put bicarb on them and that'll kill all the weeds and they'll never come back. my point is if you got to like raise the alkalinity in this pond and you got to put bicarb in there, isn't it gonna kill all the plants? Cause that's what it's gonna do in my yard, I hope. Andrea The Pool Girl (45:42.805) that's a good idea. Andrea The Pool Girl (45:54.947) I mean, I do not know. This article was a lot longer than what I realized, but it does kind of go into, I'll link this. I'll send the links to this if anybody wants to read it. But... Andrea The Pool Girl (46:15.153) It says they're open to further study, but said the filtration methods are being continuously improved. So they like took some tests and tested it for bacteria and stuff it looks like. But yeah, I don't know. It gets real long at the end there, but gross. Like just don't go to that. If anybody's listening that goes to that pool, just stay away from there. Don't go in there. 980 people is wild. Paulette (46:34.776) Yeah Paulette (46:38.834) I've heard of Nedgelpools. Andrea The Pool Girl (46:42.437) Well, if anybody listening now wants to go and listen to including you, if you want to go and listen to it, me and Rudy did an episode. actually did. Do we do one episode? I think it's a two part episode. We ended up breaking it up into two episodes where we talked to Alan Schnock, who is a natural pool guy. I'm sorry, sir. I do not remember his exact titles and everything at the moment, because it was quite a little bit ago at this point. I'm surprised I even remembered his name correctly. But yeah, you can go listen to those episodes and hear Rudy's arguments and then you can hear Alan's arguments as well. It's kind of funny because they get kind of mad at each other and I was just kind of sitting there like, these two dudes are arguing about pools and I'm just sitting here. It's pretty funny, but it was a good episode. Paulette (47:32.785) What about mineral pools? There's one in Palm Beach Gardens, I do believe. I mean, that's what they say. It's just all minerals, which I don't know. I don't know what it is, but they just claim it's all natural minerals in this pool and there's no chlorine or I don't know. I really didn't look into it because when I heard about it, I'm like, okay, I need to. Andrea The Pool Girl (47:40.793) Isn't it not just salt? Andrea The Pool Girl (47:50.641) Hmmmm Andrea The Pool Girl (47:57.125) Hmm, I'm gonna have to look into that. I know that they have mineral pools in Australia, which are not the same as salt pools. Paulette (48:03.756) Well, there's one in Palm Beach Gardens. I do believe it's Palm Beach Gardens. Or West Palm Beach, maybe. Yeah. Andrea The Pool Girl (48:05.733) I'm going to have to double check with the other, with the other hosts, you know about the Venetian pool in, in, where is it? Coral gardens, not coral gardens. Okay. K Coral gables, Coral cable, Coral gables. Yeah. It's that one is really cool, which we should go to. Paulette (48:18.252) Carl Gable? Cape Carl? Carl Gable? I think I've heard of it. Yeah, so what is that? What's that? I will go. Andrea The Pool Girl (48:33.187) That is, it's seawater. So they pump in water from the ocean, I believe, and fill it up. They use the coral to filter the water. They push it through the coral. Paulette (48:43.82) Okay. Paulette (48:48.044) So that's cool. Okay. Andrea The Pool Girl (48:49.915) but with like high pressure, like it doesn't just like. Paulette (48:52.374) Does it hurt the coral? Andrea The Pool Girl (48:55.505) I don't believe it's live coral. I think it's just like, you know, the stone. Paulette (49:01.456) out. Andrea The Pool Girl (49:03.801) I'll re I'll send you that article as well. We should talk about that next week. We should talk about that next week. So well, there you go. I don't know. You got any more? Paulette (49:05.651) Well, that'll be for next week. Great minds think alike. Paulette (49:16.177) No, I have no Andrea The Pool Girl (49:19.161) No? You wanna end or you wanna keep going? Paulette (49:22.377) I think we could end and then we'll just, you know, next we will come up with Andrea The Pool Girl (49:30.218) hold on, hold on. I got one last story before we go. Okay, so. Paulette (49:31.645) Okay, okay, all right. I have one story too, but I just can't find it, so I'll set it for next week. Andrea The Pool Girl (49:38.075) That's okay. It's okay. So here's one more reason why we're gonna have to fight with people about using chlorine in pools. So this article is from iHeart, but I saw it in a couple of different places. They are now saying a dentist has come out saying that now. fluorinated pool water is bad for your teeth. Paulette (50:07.101) Why? Andrea The Pool Girl (50:09.199) The chlorine, apparently is now bad for your teeth. So yeah, be on the lookout for stuff like that. Here, I'll read you the article. It says, people are aware that pools can be dangerous. Obviously, there's always a risk of drowning or slipping and hitting your head. But it turns out swimming in pools can actually be causing some big problems with your teeth. Paulette (50:22.504) Yeah. Andrea The Pool Girl (50:38.993) Dentist Dr. Bozic, Andre excuse me, Andre Bozic sent a warning to pool goers. He said, swimming is good exercise and a great way to enjoy the summer, but it's important to be aware of the potential impact on your teeth and take steps to protect them. Children are particularly vulnerable. vulnerable, excuse me, because they often swallow pool water or swim with their mouths open, increasing the exposure of their teeth to chlorine. So now the people that are allergic to chlorine are going to come at us and start saying that my teeth, the chlorine is hurting my teeth now. Apparently the chlorine that keeps the pool clean can also damage your teeth, according to this dentist. Paulette (51:15.792) You Andrea The Pool Girl (51:29.393) The chemicals acidity wears away enamel, the protective outer layer of your teeth. Losing enamel could increase your sensitivity, cause discoloration, and makes you more susceptible to cavities. In fact, a 2019 study looked at 21 professional swimmers and found all of them had stained teeth, even though 85 % of them brushed two to three times a day. Now, how do we know that that didn't come from coffee or tea? Paulette (51:55.673) Anything. Andrea The Pool Girl (51:58.085) Dr. Bozek urged people to be careful stating enamel is the hardest substance in the human body, but it's not invincible. Once it's gone, it doesn't regenerate. That's why taking preventative measures is essential, especially during the summer when pool time increases. Now I agree with everything other, all of that except for the pool thing. Like what are you doing, buddy? Paulette (52:19.023) He doesn't want my pose. Andrea The Pool Girl (52:21.265) But so now, but this could be so. So what should be done? Well, kids need to be encouraged to avoid getting any water in their mouth while swimming to minimize it. This is true, right? To minimize chlorine intake. Go ahead. Paulette (52:31.63) This is true. This is true. Andrea The Pool Girl (52:47.355) Then after time in the pool, anyone who was underwater should not brush their teeth since that can actually spread acids in your mouth. Instead, you should rinse out your mouth with water, but not the pool water. Also not tap water because we put the same amount of chlorine. Not tap water. Paulette (53:01.764) So just, I was just gonna say that. What kind of water do you want to put in your mouth? Hold on a minute. says go test your tap water. It's the same as your chlorine water. Andrea The Pool Girl (53:15.931) See it's seriously the water in your tap is the same as your pool. Yeah, so don't brush your teeth and with tap water use bottled water But not aquafina because that shit is super acidic Use evy use Evian to brush your teeth from now on that is advice from me. I am NOT a medical professional Yeah, okay, so rinse your mouth out with water and that's the end the end Distilled would probably be acceptable. Yeah Paulette (53:27.02) just use. Paulette (53:38.392) about distilled water. That's just silly. That's just silly. Silly. Come on. Andrea The Pool Girl (53:45.637) Yeah. Isn't that silly? I mean, I agree with telling the kids to not put the water in your mouth. That's totally absolutely agreeable, but. Paulette (53:51.849) Absolutely. Yeah, yeah. Andrea The Pool Girl (53:57.466) I don't know. Andrea The Pool Girl (54:01.75) The chlorine fear is wild to me. Paulette (54:06.856) It is wild to me too. here's the biologist in the house. You want her to tell you? Come here. Wait, does she need some air? Air? You need something? Can you hear? Andrea The Pool Girl (54:09.23) It is wild. what does Jolie think about natural pools? Andrea The Pool Girl (54:18.763) No, she should be alright. She can't hear me about natural pools. Paulette (54:21.366) What do you think of natural pools? Paulette (54:27.522) Tell her what a national pool is. Andrea The Pool Girl (54:28.913) You tell her what a natural pool is. She can't hear me. You got to tell her because you got your ear hint. You got headphones in dingleberry Paulette (54:33.096) you can't hear it? okay. So a natural pool is a body of water that has like plants that filter the water. So. Andrea The Pool Girl (54:44.923) So it's a pool, but in a separate area there. So think of like a pool -spa combo. Instead of a spa, you've got plants and that's your filter. Paulette (54:54.652) okay. So a pool -spa combo, you've seen them. Well, instead of the spa, you have plants there, so the water goes through those plants and then into the pool. Andrea The Pool Girl (55:08.337) and that's supposed to be the filtration. Paulette (55:10.434) And that's supposed to kill germs. The plants, can plants kill germs? Paulette (55:25.025) She had an interview and they were like, okay explain the nitrogen cycle and she's like what? She didn't get the job. Andrea The Pool Girl (55:27.833) No, she makes a good point. Andrea The Pool Girl (55:36.965) Nice. Well, I mean, that kind of has something to do with it, the nitrogen cycle. Anyway, rude, that's for Rudy. So, all right. Well, did you, did you have another story or you couldn't find it? Paulette (55:44.512) Hello. No, no, no. It was about peeing in the pool, but I'll get it next week. Andrea The Pool Girl (55:57.359) We'll get it next week. So, all right, well, that's it. So I hope everybody liked this episode. Thanks for listening. Send me in some stories. If you find something crazy, you can send it to talkingpools at gmail .com. You can email me, you can message me on Facebook. Paulette, you mother, you don't really go on Facebook all that much, but you can message her too. No, you can't. You're gonna get so many idiotic messages. Paulette (55:58.666) Yeah. Paulette (56:21.706) Yeah, yeah, you can message me. Okay, all right. Thanks Andrea The Pool Girl (56:26.307) All right, anyway, that's it. We can go. Thanks for listening. Thanks for joining me. All right, bye. wait. Okay, bye. yeah, see you next Tuesday. Stupid ass. Okay, bye. Don't log off. No, I'm just gonna end this, so don't log off all the way. Paulette (56:32.98) Bye. Yes. Wait, see you next Tuesday.