Talking Pools Podcast

B4 The SPLASH! Pool & Spa Trade Show

August 19, 2024 Rudy Stankowitz Season 4 Episode 586

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In this episode of the Talking Pools Podcast, Peter, Shane, and Lee dive into a candid discussion about the importance of manufacturers being transparent and honest with pool service professionals. They emphasize the need for straightforward communication, free from exaggerations or attempts to deceive, as this builds trust within the industry. The hosts highlight how misleading claims can damage relationships and stress the value of integrity in product information and marketing.

Additionally, the team shares their excitement about attending The SPLASH! Pool & Spa Trade Show. They discuss their plans for the event, what attendees can expect, and how they look forward to engaging with industry professionals and exploring the latest innovations in the pool and spa sector. The episode offers insights into the significance of honest communication in the industry while also gearing up for one of the year's most anticipated trade shows.

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Peter: Welcome back to another episode of the Talking Pools Podcast! Peter here, joined by my fantastic co-hosts, Shane and Lee. How’s everyone doing today?

Shane: All good on my end, Pete. Excited to dive into today’s topic.

Lee: Same here! Ready to get into the nitty-gritty of things.

Peter: Awesome. So today, we’re talking about something that’s really been on our minds lately: the importance of honesty and transparency from manufacturers. You know, Shane, we’ve been in this industry long enough to have seen our fair share of exaggerated claims and misleading marketing, right?

Shane: Oh, absolutely. It’s one thing to be enthusiastic about your product, but it’s another to stretch the truth to the point where it doesn’t match reality. We’ve all been there—bought a product because it promised the world, only to find out it couldn’t even deliver the basics.

Lee: Yeah, and it’s not just about being disappointed as a customer. When you’re a pool service professional, your reputation is on the line. If you’re recommending or using products based on false claims, it’s not just your wallet that gets hit—it’s your credibility with your clients.

Peter: Exactly. It’s like pulling the wool over someone’s eyes. Manufacturers need to understand that we’re out here in the field, and we know when something doesn’t work the way it’s advertised. There’s no faster way to lose trust than by selling a product that can’t live up to its hype.

Shane: And it’s not just about trust. Honest communication also means that if there’s a problem with a product, manufacturers need to own up to it and offer solutions, not excuses. We’re all human—things go wrong sometimes. But how you handle those situations is what really matters.

Lee: And that’s why we wanted to bring this up today. We’re not here to bash anyone, but rather to encourage manufacturers to be straight with us. When we have all the facts, we can make better decisions and ultimately serve our customers better.

Peter: Absolutely. And speaking of better decisions, we’ve got some exciting news! The SPLASH! Pool & Spa Trade Show is coming up, and we’re going to be there!

Shane: Yep, can’t wait! It’s going to be a fantastic opportunity to check out new products, meet with fellow industry professionals, and hopefully see some honest and straightforward presentations from the manufacturers.

Lee: I’m really looking forward to it. It’s always great to see what’s new in the industry, and it’s even better when you can have real, honest conversations with the people behind the products.

Peter: For sure. So, if any of our listeners are planning to attend, make sure to come say hi! We’ll be around, checking out the latest innovations and maybe even recording a few interviews. It’s going to be a blast!

Shane: And remember, folks, whether you’re at the trade show or just going about your daily work, keep an eye out for those manufacturers who tell it like it is. They’re the ones worth sticking with.

Lee: Well said, Shane. Honesty is always the best policy, especially in our line of work.

Peter: Couldn’t agree more. Alright, that’s it for today’s episode. Thanks for tuning in, everyone! And don’t forget to catch us next time as we bring you more insights from the world of pools. Take care!