Talking Pools Podcast

Elevate Your Brand: Effective Social Media Tactics for Service Businesses

Rudy Stankowitz Season 4 Episode 573

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Social media can be a game changer for service-based small businesses when leveraged correctly. It can elevate your brand, attract new customers, and foster loyalty among existing customers. Each social media platform serves a different purpose, and it's important to tailor your tactics accordingly. Defining your goals, understanding your target audience, and creating a content calendar are essential for effective social media marketing. Visual content, storytelling, and user-generated content are powerful tools for engagement. Paid advertising, analytics, influencer partnerships, and repurposing content can further enhance your social media strategy.


social media, service-based small businesses, brand awareness, target audience, content creation, engagement, paid advertising, analytics, influencer partnerships, repurposing content


  • Social media can elevate your brand and attract new customers for service-based small businesses.
  • Each social media platform serves a different purpose, and tactics should be tailored accordingly.
  • Defining goals, understanding the target audience, and creating a content calendar are essential for effective social media marketing.
  • Visual content, storytelling, and user-generated content are powerful tools for engagement.
  • Paid advertising, analytics, influencer partnerships, and repurposing content can enhance social media strategy.


  • Maximizing Content Volume through Repurposing
  • Defining Goals and Understanding Your Target Audience

Sound Bites

  • "Social media is a game changer for service-based small businesses."
  • "Not all social media platforms are created equal. Each serves a different purpose."
  • "Understanding who your target audience is will help you create the content that resonates with them."


Harnessing the Power of Social Media

Defining Goals and Understanding the Target Audience

Creating a Content Calendar

Engagement Strategies

Boosting Reach with Paid Advertising

Leveraging Influencer Partnerships

The Key to Social Media Success



















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Rudy (00:00.222)
Hey guys, it's Rudy with the Talking Pools podcast. How are you doing today? Hope your day is going better than mine. Had my oil changed at Jiffy Lube day before yesterday, yesterday, day before yesterday. Didn't really go anywhere after that. Drove three hours following puddle of oil under my truck this morning. Went underneath the oil pan nut. I could move it by hand. I can twist it with my fingers. Fuckers left that thing on loose. So pissed

Could have been worse, could have not had a truck, could have broke down anywhere along the lines. Lucky I made it as far as I did. Lucky everything's still okay. But man, you can't put your trust in those people, I guess. I never had a problem before, but now that I have, it's something I'm have to look out for. Anyway, that's enough of my rant. Wanted to talk with you today about social media, about using it to your advantage.

It's a game changer for service -based small businesses. When leveraged correctly, it can elevate your brand, attract new customers, and foster loyalty among your existing customers

Social media is no longer a platform for just sharing personal updates, pictures of cats and puppies. It's a powerful marketing tool that can help you reach a broader audience, help you to engage with customers, potential customers and existing customers, and help you build your brand. For service -based small businesses, the benefits are immense. Social media allows you to reach potential customers who may not have discovered your business otherwise.

It provides a platform to interact with your customers, answer their questions, and address their concerns in real time.

Rudy (01:54.208)
consistent and strategic use of social

Rudy (02:01.814)
helps in establishing and strengthening your brand identity. Social media can drive traffic to your website and generate leads through targeted advertising and content marketing. Not all social media platforms are created equal. Each serves a different purpose. You can't hit them all with the same tactic and expect it to work across the board. Facebook is great for community building and targeted advertising. It's versatile.

It has features like groups, events, and a robust ad platform that you can use to target specific demographics. Instagram is great for visual storytelling. Use it to showcase your services through photos and videos. Engage with your followers via your stories, reels, and definitely take advantage of their IGTV. LinkedIn is business to business. LinkedIn is business to business marketing.

Share industry insights, connect with other businesses, establish yourself as a thought leader. Twitter is great for real -time updates and customer service. Engage in conversation, share news, and monitor trends relative to your industry. Pinterest is useful for business in creative and lifestyle industries, but it is also good for pool service.

Pin stuff, appealing content that can drive traffic to your website. People on Pinterest have questions about pools. Your website could be the answer. YouTube is essential for video marketing. Create tutorials, customer testimonials, and behind the scenes content. People love that to engage with your audience.

Before you start posting though, define what you want to achieve with your social media efforts. Your goals should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time

Rudy (04:07.156)
You can use social media to increase your brand awareness, grow your audience, and make people more aware of who you are. You can use it to drive traffic to your website to generate leads, boost sales. You can use social media promotions and advertisements. you can also use it to build a loyal community of followers who regularly interact with your content.

Rudy (04:39.582)
Understanding who your target audience is will help you create the content that resonates with them. Things you want to know. Demographics like age, gender, where they are, income, education level, those things matter in the content you put out. You want to mirror the market. You want to put out content that appeals to that person. Psychographics

Take their interests into consideration, their values, their lifestyles, and those types of behaviors. Consider their pain points. What's their boogeyman? What's the monster under their bed? What's hiding in their closet? What keeps them up at night? That's what you want to

Which social media platform do they use the most? Now that we know who it is, what are they

Create a detailed customer persona to represent your ideal customers. This will guide your content creation and your advertising efforts. Need to know who we're trying to get, who we're trying to appeal to. A content calendar is essential for consistent and strategic posting. Plan your content at least a month out. Incorporate a mix of educational content, like tips, how -tos.

Informative articles that provide value to your audience. Promotional content is great. There should be announcements about your services, special orders, and case studies. Include some polls and some interactive things that encourage audience participation. User -generated content is gold. Share posts from your customers who have used and love your service.

Rudy (06:26.282)
Visual content is crucial on social media, so high quality images and videos are necessary to capture and drive engagement. Invest in a good camera or smartphone with a good quality camera. Take well -lit, clear photos of your work and of satisfied customers. Short videos, one to two minutes long, are fantastic for social media. Create tutorials.

customer testimonials, behind the scenes clips, and use tools like Adobe Spark or Canva to edit and add graphics to your videos. Infographics are great for prevent

Infographics are great for presenting information in a visually appealing way. You'll be able to use tools like PictoChart or Infragram to create professional -looking infographics. While visuals are important, do not neglect the power of well -written content.

Make your headlines catchy and compelling. You need them to grab attention and make people want to read more. Use captions to provide context to your images and videos. Ask questions, add humor, and encourage engagement. Share longer form content through blog posts. Give the people a reason to go back to your website time and time again. Create a blog.

Please, and in your blog, answer the questions that people are asking. That's what you should write

Rudy (08:10.92)
answer the questions they ask. Do a blog about every service that you offer. This is how we increase our SEO. This is how you get to pop up in searches at the top when they're looking for specific subjects because you have a blog written specifically about what they're asking or what they're looking for. I would have a blog written about every service that I offer. Doesn't have to be all at once. You'll get there over time, but God, start doing

Use storytelling to create an emotional connection with your audience. People want to know about you. They do. You got a good story. It doesn't even have to be directly related to what you're doing. Share the story. Now, if you have a customer success story, by all means, employee spotlights, definitely do

User -generated content, like I said before, is a powerful way to build trust and engagement. Encourage your customers to share their experiences and tag your business. Repost their content on your own profiles to showcase real -life use cases of your services.

to showcase real life use cases of your services.

Engagement is key to building a loyal community on social media. It just is. You want to respond promptly, answer comments, messages quickly. It shows that you care about your audience and you value their feedback. Show your appreciation. Thank your followers for their support and then recognize your loyal customers. Then of course, you want to handle negative comments professionally, quickly.

Rudy (09:56.606)
address the concerns publicly and offer solutions. Maybe we've already lost that customer who's complaining. Maybe they're gone. But you know what? Everyone is going to be looking to see how you handle that customer complaint. And if you handle it like a pro, they're going to be thinking, well, if I have a problem with that person, they're going to handle it professionally like they just did there. That's what I want. Interactive content.

engages interactive content, encourages engagement, and keeps your audience coming back for more polls and quizzes.

are fun in an interactive way. You could have contests and giveaways.

Go live. People like when you live stream. They do. They feel more connected. It's like you're actually talking to them. Stories and reels, keep them short. Temporary posts that appear at the top of your followers' feeds, those are great for sharing quick updates, behind the scenes content, and engaging videos. Use stickers. Ask questions.

Include as much as you possibly can. Now, paid advertising can significantly boost your reach and drive targeted traffic to your website. You want to define your objective. Choose something that aligns with your business goals, such as brand awareness, traffic or conversions. Use demographic, geographic and interest -based targeting to reach your ideal customers.

Rudy (11:39.754)
You want to write clear and compelling ad copy that highlights the benefits of your service. Use eye -catching images or videos that grab attention and convey your message.

Tell your audience what you want them to do. Don't leave that out. Here I am. This is what I need you to do. That's what it's

Retargeting campaigns allows you to reach people who have already interacted with you on your website or social media platforms. This keeps your brand at the top of their mind and encourages potential customers to convert. Use Facebook Pixel or LinkedIn Insight track visitors and create custom audiences for retargeting.

Determine your advertising budget based off of your business goals and the goals of reaching your target audience. Track the performance of your ads. Don't just throw them out there and not track these. Use metrics like click -through rates, conversion rates, and return on ad spend. Adjust your campaigns based on these insights so you can maximize your ROI.

Rudy (13:03.104)
To ensure your social media efforts are effective, regularly analyze engagement rate.

how much of your audience is interacting with your content, your reach, how many people see your content, track the percentage of social media interactions that result in a desired action, like filling out a contact form or booking a service. Are they doing what you're asking them to do? Monitor the increase in your social media following over time. Can't stress that enough. Measure.

the amount of traffic to your website from social media platforms. Just do

Most social media platforms offer built -in analytics tools. Use them. Facebook provides data on page likes, post reach, and engagement. Instagram shows metrics on follower growth, post interactions, and story views. Linked -in analytics offers insight and profile views, post performance, and follower demographics. Twitter tracks tweet impressions or ex -impressions.

now, right? whatever, X impressions, engagement and follower growth. Google Analytics is a great way to track referral traffic from social media to your website. Make sure you regularly view your metrics to understand what's working and what's not. Content performance helps you to identify which types of content resonate most with your audience.

Rudy (14:47.924)
so you can create more of

Determine the best times to post based on when your audience is most active and post during that time. Listen to your audience's feedback and adjust your content and engagement strategies accordingly. They're telling you what they want. Give it to them. Monitor your competitors' social media activities to help you identify trends, opportunities.

Maybe things they're missing.

Partnering with influencers can help you reach a larger audience and add credibility to your brand. You want to look for influencers who align with your brand values and have an engaged following. You want to engage with influencers' content on their sites and build a relationship before reaching out and asking them to collaborate. Don't just dood it out of the blue. Nobody knows who the hell you are. Build a little bit of a rapport first.

offer something of value.

Rudy (16:00.426)
Don't just expect them to do for you without you doing for them. You can offer them free service, exclusive access, or even money. People like money. I like money. Monitor the performance of your influencer campaigns to make sure that it's actually fucking working.

Maximize the volume of your content by repurposing it across different platforms. So for example, take a detailed blog post and turn it into a series of social media posts, infographics, and even some videos. Break down longer videos into shorter clips for Instagram and Facebook. Share key takeaways from a webinar through LinkedIn articles and Twitter threads, X threads.

Make sure that you use social media management tools to help streamline your efforts and maintain consistency. HootSuite can help schedule posts, track performance, manage multiple accounts, all from one dashboard. Buffer can help you plan and schedule your social media content in advance. Sprout Social can help you analyze performance and optimize your strategy. They have in -depth reports there. Later can also help you visualize and schedule

Instagram posts so that way you create a cohesive feed. Mastering social media is a journey that requires a strategy. It requires creativity, adaptability. By understanding your audience, you can create engaging content, leverage paid advertising, and continuously analyze your performance.

you can transfer your social media presence into a powerful asset for your service -based small business. Remember, the key to social media lies in authenticity, consistency, value. These are things people want to see. Experiment with it. You're to have to keep learning. You're going to have to continually evolve. It can be a big pain in the ass, but it is a worthwhile pain in the ass when it's working well for you. It will result

Rudy (18:14.578)
and increase brand recognition and sustain business growth if done correctly. Embrace the power of social media. Don't just use it for posting pictures of kittens or porn or whatever you're posting. I don't care. Use it to grow your business. Let social media be your partner in achieving, in achieving your entrepreneurial dreams. In your entrepreneurial, entrepreneurial

dreams. That's all I have for you guys today. I appreciate you checking in with me. Again, my social media rant. Hopefully there was something in that that you can use, something that you didn't know about, something that you learned, or maybe something that we just reminded you of, or something that I just reminded you of by myself. So if you like this episode,

Give it five stars. Give me a good review. Share it. Share it with a friend. And until next time, be good, be safe.